Thursday, April 30, 2015

Access 2007 and VBA Tutorial

  MS ACCESS 2007: VBA ENVIRONMENT INTRODUCTION This MSAccess tutorial explains the VBA environment in Access 2007 (with screenshots and step-by-step instructions). See solution in other versions of MSAccess: Access 2010   Access 2007   Access 2003 WHAT IS VBA? This is what the...

Beware: Deceptive Work at Home Opportunities on the Loose

By Holly Reisem Hanna I was doing some online research, when I saw an ad that said, “I make $486 every day. Work from home and earn $13,745 a month”. Red warning flags immediately went off in my head, as this looked like many of the other deceptive work at home opportunities that have been promoted in the past. Just like...


By Holly Reisem Hanna So you want to have your own business, but you’re not sure where to start. You don’t have a business plan and you’re not sure about the logistics of marketing, sales, human resources, customer service, accounting, legal compliance AND you would like an opportunity with a low risk potential. A franchise may be the perfect work at home business for you! A franchise is a successfully...

WAH Jobs

By Holly Reisem Hanna The companies listed below regularly hire individuals for home-based positions – some positions are freelance, some are independent contracting, and others are full-time gigs with full benefits. While all companies are believed to be legit, they have only been soft checked, meaning that I did a quick...